Date: 11/17/24 5:50 pm
From: Aidan Sinha via <aidansinha...>
Subject: [CALBIRDS] Smith's Longspur - negative
Many people searched Mount Trashmore today for the recently reported Smith's Longspur. Unfortunately, despite extensive coverage, neither the SMLO or the two Lapland Longspurs with it appeared today (the Snow Bunting, however, was still present and very cooperative for everyone). I stayed around after most of the others had left, and noticed that squirrels and some birds seemed to be more active in the fields - it is possible that the many birders present caused activity to be slightly lower (and potentially kept the longspurs away or hiding). It could still be worth checking the area in the future, as the Smith's Longspur could return when the area is less disturbed. Good luck to anyone who searches for this bird!

Aidan Sinha
San Jose

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