Observation start time: 09:00:00 Observation end time: 15:00:00 Total observation time: 6 hours
Official Counter: Nancy Ott
Visitors: Brief visit by 3 visitors.
Weather: Sunny, mainly blue skies, temps 50's, winds W with gusts up to 23 mph.
Raptor Observations: 46 total count with biggest count of TV's 31. At one point a kettle of 16 TV's further out over valley that gained altitude then glided off top one by one down south. 1 ad GE at 10:14. 2 BE ad 12:54 and 1:08. 11:26 ad GE glided over head north. 12:41 BE went N with 3 BE's seen up valley distant , unable to view migrating.Best look of BE came from valley , crossed watch then went NW. Merlin in west just above tree branches.
Non-raptor Observations: Juncos,blued jays, 12 wild turkeys below watch, red bellied wp, 5 pigeons reappearing along front.
Predictions: W, NW winds , temps 40's, no precipitation ======================================================================== Report submitted by Nancy Ott (<ednancy.ott...>)