Observation start time: 09:00:00 Observation end time: 12:00:00 Total observation time: 3 hours
Official Counter: Eric Mueller
Visitors: Approx. 20-30 hikers and their dogs.
Weather: Very windy with gusts over 25 mph, from the SW. Temps in the low 40s. Mostly sunny to start, but high stratus clouds increased over time, dimming the light. There was a mild haze line in the air that moved higher as the morning progressed. Visibility was good all morning. The overlook was on the lee side of the mountain, so the winds were very sporadic. Wind speeds shown below were taken from the Worcester airport reports, and more accurately reflect what the birds were probably experiencing.
Raptor Observations: I observed from the North Rd overlook today. No migrating birds were seen, and only a few local raptors, probably largely due to the strong SW winds. The locals didn't come up until after 10 am. I called it a day at noon after 3 hours with no migrating birds.
Non-migrating raptors: Bald Eagle - 2 (Ad & Juv flying together) Red-tailed Hawk - 2 (minimum number. 2 seen flying near each other, but singles were also seen)
Non-raptor Observations: Non-raptors: Canada Goose - 43 Comm Merganser -2 duck sp - 3 gull sp - 22 (likely Ring-bills) Red-bellied WP - 1 Hairy WP - 1 Snow Bunting - 8 Amer Robin - 3 Blue Jay - 2 Amer Crow - 4 (not migrating) Comm Raven - 2 BC Chickadee - 2 T Titmouse - 1 WB Nuthatch - 2 Amer Goldfinch - 1
Predictions: We're not planning a watch for Monday. Light rain all night (we need it!) and then strong WSW winds all day. We're not expecting birds to move with this kind of headwind. ======================================================================== Report submitted by ERIC MUELLER (<ericmueller1912...>) Wachusett Mountain information may be found at: http://www.massbird.org/emhw
More site information at hawkcount.org:https://hawkcount.org/siteinfo.php?rsite=228