Date: 11/10/24 5:21 pm
From: GLENN D'ENTREMONT <gdentremont1...>
Subject: [MASSBIRD] RHWO behavior(s) observed-protecting the house
Today I observed the Red-headed Woodpecker on the TTOR Jewell Hill property.

I observed interesting behaviors. The bird was silent until it flew to ground for acorns then chattered a sound which seems to be diagnostic for this species since I have heard it several times and only when RHWO has been present. The bird flew up with it to this single tree and pounded it into same opening which apparently is to break it apart since it took the pieces and dropped down the tree and put the pieces into crevices in the tree (I also saw a Red-belly also doing this. It spent most of the 20 or so minutes I was observing doing this task; however, one time it flew in a beeline to another tree and began to chase two Blue Jays. I presumed this tree also had stashed acorn pieces because the jays seemed to be trying to pull at spots on the tree. The RHWO did it successfully, then came back to continue its task. A second round with a jay occurred at the tree I was observing and the jay did not want any business with this bird which is about 85% the size of the jay!
in length and weight (per Sibley).


Glenn d'Entremont: <gdentremont1...> Stoughton, MA

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