Date: 11/9/24 9:58 am From: <lehman.paul...> via <lehman.paul...> Subject: [SanDiegoRegionBirding] TRV Mountain Bluebirds and Laplad Longspur
Continuing the recent occurrence of Mountain Bluebirds along the coast, at least five birds were present Saturday morning at the sod farm in the TRV, visible a long ways off with a scope sitting on various sprinkler heads in the active sod section. Also present in a flock of 40 or 50 Horned Larks was a Lapland Longspur. Unfortunately, the lark flock is often too far away from that western edge perimeter road where one can stand. So the chances that that flock is close enough to scrutiny well is only so-so at best. Not too far away from this area was an Indigo Bunting.
Earlier in the morning there was a new, female Vermilion Flycatcher at Montgomery Waller Park. Yesterday I had four Vermilions, which is typical, at the Admiral Baker Golf Course. But in general, Vermilions just continue to increase year after year almost everywhere in the county. Along the San Diego River in Mission Valley yesterday, there were three Yellow warblers and three Black-throated gray warblers, which are found in small numbers in that area every year in late fall and early winter.
Paul Lehman, San Diego
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