Observation start time: 09:00:00 Observation end time: 15:00:00 Total observation time: 6 hours
Official Counter: Dave Poder
Observers: Jim Rocco
Visitors: Four
Weather: Overcast the until noon, changing to mostly sunny for the remainder of the count. Visibility 15km eventually improving to 30km, Moderate WNW winds, temps 11.3C to 13.5C
Raptor Observations: 3 RTs, 5 TVs
Non-raptor Observations: BC Chickadees, WB nuthatches, Tufted Titmice, C Waxwings, E Bluebirds, Juncos, M Doves, B Jays, Crows, Ravens, Pileated, Downy, Red-bellied wp, N Flicker
Predictions: Sunny. Moderate NW winds with some strong gusts. High temp near 13C ======================================================================== Report submitted by Dave Poder (<avions...>)