Hello, Today Penny Principe and I found MV DOZER, the satellite tagged Long- billed Curlew, at his usual location on the south side of Alva Paul Lagoon on Morro Strand State Beach. He was resting in the high tide zone with other LBCUs. It was my first time back on the beach since his transmitter stopped working on September 11, so I was very happy to see he is still alive.
Now we know why his transmitter stopped working- the antenna broke off. I found Dozer by scanning the flock of curlews hoping to see either his green leg band or his antenna. Luckily the green leg band was visible. He still has his "backpack" on, and if he ruffles his back feathers you can see his transmitter and the base of the antenna. Photos are in my Ebird list.
I doubt the IBO will replace the unit as funding for the project was cut. However, sometimes they recapture birds to remove units. I am not sure what will happen in Dozer's case. I will let you know if I find out more.
Heather Hayes, research biologist from the IBO, will be here for the Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival. She knows all things "Curlew". Hopefully you can attend one of her programs.