Observation start time: 08:15:00 Observation end time: 16:00:00 Total observation time: 7.75 hours
Official Counter: Jim Rocco
Observers: Dave Poder, Ed Gowarty,Sr, Janet Kuehl
Visitors: 7 visitors. Dave Poder, ED Gowarty, Janet Kuehl, helped with sotting.
Weather: Light and variable winds mainly ESE. Average temperature 17 C.
Cloud cover 24% to 90%. Visibility clear up to 40 km.
Raptor Observations: 42 raptord counted for the day. 9 Golden eagles, Adults, 12:24, 1:06, 1:16, 1:24, 1:56, 3:17, 3:35 Sub Adults, 3:41, 3:41
Non-raptor Observations: Sub adult Bald eagle went north , not included in count. blue birds, blue jays, tufted titmouse, wb nuthatches, juncos, ctows, downy woodpecker, red bellies woodpecker, 12 ravens, northern cardinal, doves
Predictions: North west winds temperatures in the 60's. ======================================================================== Report submitted by Jim Rocco (<jd.jh.rocco...>)