Date: 11/3/24 10:11 am
From: Edge Wade <1edgewade...>
Subject: Help needed to acknowledge gift
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I am deeply embarrassed and am asking your help.

As I was leaving the MDC Partners Roundtable event Wednesday in Columbia I was given a book. My mind was already out the door, and I acknowledged the book with a brief “thank you”, thinking it was one of the handout items, and headed for the door.

It wasn’t until the next morning, when I had time to really look at it that I realized this was a special gift. And the really mortifying part? I’ve racked my brain for days now, and cannot recall who gave it to me.

The gift is “Cooking Wild in Missouri”, a delightful, beautifully done cook book by Bernadette Dryden, published by MDC.

Please, if you gave me the book or know who did (or just think you might know), contact me so I can give a proper, truly appreciative Thank You.

Edge Wade
Columbia, MO

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