Date: 11/2/24 7:02 pm
From: Grigory Heaton via <g.heaton...>
Subject: [LACoBirds] American Golden Plover, Malibu Lagoon
Hi all,

I am fairly sure the Pacific golden plover at Malibu lagoon is the rarer American golden - in person it struck me as really dull compared to every other Pacific golden I've seen in the state, and consulting photos later it looks good for American with four primaries past tertials, big gap between tertials and tail, reasonable primary extension, and a very prominent eyebrow.

The plover was hanging out with a large group of ~100 black-bellied plovers on the beach between the lagoon and ocean in the fenced off snowy plover area around noon, and very cooperative. Apologies for not getting the word out earlier, as I didn't fully convince myself of the ID right away.

The plover was originally found by Will Black this morning.

Grigory Heaton
Pasadena, CA

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