Date: 11/1/24 12:19 pm
From: Elaine Chuang via Tweeters <tweeters...>
Subject: [Tweeters] TWEETERS ADMIN: missing email addresses
Dear Tweets. As many of you know, this forum is sponsored by the University of Washington which has authority over the workings of the listserv. To comply with security changes newly required by a number of email carriers, the UW has had to start removing a sender's email address from all listserve posts. The majority of you (Tweeters Digest users especially) have likely noticed the phrase “via Tweeters” following a sender’s name instead of their address. Sadly, this is something we are unable to change.

The absence of the sender’s address has impaired the ability of at least some to engage in dialogue and share information via Tweeters. For this reason and more, it is an opportune time to remind subscribers that all are strongly encouraged to place their name and e-mail address at the end of each message (indeed at the inception of Tweeters, this was a requirement). Some may wish to disguise their address by spelling it out, making it a “literal” one (for instance: elaine at yahoo dot com) to prevent email address "scraping” by robots. Lastly, when one's city and or state/province is included, it places one's observations and questions in a local, regional context. For ideas, please take a look at the signature blocks used by your fellow Tweets. Best wishes.

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