Observation start time: 08:00:00 Observation end time: 14:30:00 Total observation time: 6.5 hours
Official Counter: Rosemary McGlynn
Observers: Jim Rocco, Mike Wolfe, Rich Jones
Visitors: several visitors including Rich Jones,Mike Wolfe & Jim Rocco
Weather: Strong W winds early gusting to 32mph followed by lighter WSW winds in the PM; early valley haze;blue skies with high clouds & contrails; 58F to 72F
Raptor Observations: 10 migrating raptors including:1 sub GE @ 9:45,1 Juv GE @ 10;06 and 1 Sub GE @ 11:50. The juv. GE was close to the watch & gave great looks
Predictions: low in the 50's overnight;light to moderate SW winds with a high 65-75F;mix of clouds & sun ======================================================================== Report submitted by Rosemary McGlynn (<denali...>)