Observation start time: 08:45:00 Observation end time: 16:00:00 Total observation time: 7.25 hours
Official Counter: Erika Bowman
Observers: Bob Stewart, Dave Darney, Dave Poder, Ed Gowarty,Sr, Jim Rocco, Tom & Janet Kuehl
Visitors: Regina Gaison, Dave Darney, Bob Stewart, Ed Gowarty, Sr, Dave Poder, Jim Rocco, Michele & Kevin Mannella, John Pane, Ken, Kim & Jenn Zakraysek, Janet & Tom Keuhl
Weather: Cooler, sunny, ESE to E and light to breezy winds
Raptor Observations: 1 Subadult Golden Eagle @ 10:30. 1 local Red-tailed. A few Red-tails took attacked our owl decoy with one giving it a solid hit.
Non-raptor Observations: Red-bellied WP, Downy WP, Blue Jay, A Crow, C Raven, BC Chickadee, T Titmouse, RC Kinglet, WB Nuthatch, E Bluebird, C Waxwing, A Goldfinch, DE Junco, N Cardinal
Predictions: Partly cloudy. High 59F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph. ======================================================================== Report submitted by Erika Bowman (<dizzechick...>)