Date: 10/26/24 5:29 pm
From: Steve Mayo via CTBirds <ctbirds...>
Subject: [CT Birds] Lighthouse Park New Haven - Rough-legged Hawk and Red-headed Woodpecker
There was a second-of-the-season light morph Rough-legged Hawk and yet
another Red-headed Woodpecker at today's (10/26) hawk watch. There were
also 168 diurnal raptors and several more non-migrants. There are many
(15-20 today) Hermit Thrushes in the Park. Thrushes, Towhees, and
White-throated Sparrows are feeding on invasive euonymus berries.

Light NW winds are forecast for tomorrow so we're hoping for a solid
morning flight and a few more hawks.

Steve Mayo

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