Date: 10/26/24 1:00 pm
From: Pam Hunt <biodiva...>
Subject: [NHBirds] Concord November Challenge

But Wait! There's ANOTHER November birding game afoot!

If you live in or near Concord you can help both the November County Challenge AND the Concord November Challenge (yes, the abbreviations are too close for comfort). The latter is a single weekend event that's been going on for 16 years. It's a cooperative attempt to find as many species as possible in Concord over the fist weekend in November (11/2-3). Participants spread out across the city on Saturday morning and gather at lunchtime to compile what we've all seen. Based on the species list at that point we identify holes and some people go back out in the afternoon. Another list update Saturday evening directs efforts on Sunday. People can participate for as much time as they want.

If interested, drop me an email and I'll see what I can do. There are options to team up with other folks if so desired, but it's also OK to wander about on your own.


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