Date: 10/25/24 9:23 am
From: Paula Hansley <plhansley...>
Subject: [cobirds] Bohemian(?) Waxwings, Louisville
At dawn this morning I heard the trill of waxwings in my Washington
Hawthorne tree. I was expecting them any day because the bright red
berries that are loading the branches are finally ripe!

I did not see them because it was barely light,, but their trills sounded
more like Bohemian than Cedar Waxwings. I’ll be ready with my camera when
they return.

Last year when there was an irruption of Bohemian Waxwings they were here
for several days.

Watch your fruit-bearing trees!

Paula Hansley
Boulder County

Paula Hansley
Petrographic Consultants International, Inc.
Ph: 720-890-2628

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