Observation start time: 09:00:00 Observation end time: 15:00:00 Total observation time: 6 hours
Official Counter: Craig Jackson
Observers: Bill Shapiro
Weather: Moderate (2) SW-SSW winds throughout much of watch, although at times the winds shifted to the WSW; Temperature 14-20° C; cloud cover began with about 10% in the northwest horizon, then became about 20% scattered cirrus clouds, and ended with about 1% cirrus clouds. Raptor Observations: small movement of raptors - CH and SS harassing each other as they came over the Rock Nono-migrating - 2 TV and at least 2 RT - that were dog-fighting
Non-raptor Observations: Birds -- about 140 DC Cormorants in two flocks, a Pileated Woodpecker, a Blue-headed Vireo, a YR Warbler, and a DE Junco
Thursday should be a good day with strong NW winds; Saturday and Sunday also look promising with strong W-NW winds. I can not be on site on Thursday until late afternoon, if at all. ======================================================================== Report submitted by Craig Jackson (<crleja1949...>)