Observation start time: 07:30:00
Observation end time: 16:00:00
Total observation time: 8.5 hours
Official Counter: Tom Delaney
Observers: Nate Marchessault, Nora Hanke, Tom Momeyer
The weather was very similar to yesterday with Temps between 16 and 19°C
and zero clouds and hazy. The difference was that the winds were lighter
and from the SE. The birds seemed to like this and rode the easterly up
Raptor Observations:
Yesterday we didn't see a bird until about noon. They started early today
and kind of came in flurries but steady enough to keep us busy and
excited. We got the 1,000th Sharpie today, and had 3 Northern Goshawks.
There were 66 visitors that I recorded but that seems low. We enjoyed their
company and they interacted well with us.
Three of the harriers were identified as juveniles.
Non-raptor Observations:
One very late Monarch.
Decent number of Purple Finches (16) moving throughout the day.
Continued warmth will end tomorrow. Stronger winds from a southerly
direction might hamper migration. But come up and find out!
Report submitted by Phil Brown (<brown...>)
Pack Monadnock Raptor Migration Observatory information may be found at: