Date: 10/20/24 4:11 pm
From: Barbara Volkle <barb620...>
Subject: [MASSBIRD] Wachusett Mountain (20 Oct 2024) 41 Migrating Raptors
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 22:07:22 +0000
From: <reports...>
Subject: Wachusett Mountain (20 Oct 2024) 41 Migrating Raptors

Wachusett Mountain
Princeton, Massachusetts, USA
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 20, 2024

Species Day's Count Month Total Season Total
------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
Black Vulture 0 0 4
Turkey Vulture 26 678 727
Osprey 0 32 219
Bald Eagle 3 97 245
Northern Harrier 1 16 35
Sharp-shinned Hawk 2 176 370
Cooper's Hawk 1 65 153
American Goshawk 0 1 1
Red-shouldered Hawk 2 34 51
Broad-winged Hawk 1 14 1498
Red-tailed Hawk 1 30 71
Rough-legged Hawk 0 0 0
Golden Eagle 0 3 3
American Kestrel 0 21 117
Merlin 0 22 54
Peregrine Falcon 0 9 22
Unknown Accipiter 0 30 50
Unknown Buteo 1 18 41
Unknown Falcon 0 3 16
Unknown Eagle 0 1 2
Unknown Raptor 3 50 132

Total: 41 1300 3811

Observation start time: 08:15:00 Observation end time: 14:00:00 Total
observation time: 5.75 hours

Official Counter: Eric Mueller

Observers: John Edmondson, Tom Gottschang

The observers today were Eric, John Edmonson and Tom Gottschang. Sara
Baitch was a huge help in letting us know about the Broad-winged Hawk that
snuck around us. Lisa Burwell stopped by and gave us a hand not long before
we shut down for the day. Thanks to everyone for operating as well as we
did amidst the throngs of sightseers on the platform and summit.

Another sunny day with very low humidity and warmer than normal
temperatures ranging from 55 to 68 F. Visibility was very good with just
enough haze to make Mt Washington hard to discern. Winds averaged 4-7 mph
until the last 30 minutes when they picked up to 8-12 mph with occasional
gusts to 15 mph. They started from the NW for the first two hours, eased
over to due W for the second two hours and then over to WSW for the last
two hours. High thin stratus clouds began filtering in from the north
around 11 am which gave us some call-out points and a better background to
work with. Heat shimmer beginning in the late morning combined with the
light haze to make ID-ing some birds a challenge.

Raptor Observations:
An average count for this time of year when the TVs aren't moving a lot.
Like yesterday, today started very slowly with only one migrating raptor
spotted in the first 2 1/2 hours. The 11 am-12 pm EST period accounted for
almost 3/4 of the day's count with 30 birds tallied, including one kettle
of 15 TVs. Right after that we saw 5 birds in a kettle to the west which
included 3 Bald Eagles, a Red-shoulder and a UB. The most unexpected
bird of the day was a very late Broad-winged Hawk that
was spotted by Sara Baitch, a birder from Worcester, who just happened to
be looking south when the rest of us were looking north. She was positive
of the ID, having had a family of Broadies residing near her home in
Worcester all summer. (Sara - John now thinks that your mystery sparrow may
have been an American Tree Sparrow.)

Non-migrating raptors:
TV - 4
Bald Eagle - 6 (3 Ad, 2 Imm, 1 Juv)
Red-tail - 2
Merlin - 1
UB - 1
UR - 2

Non-raptor Observations:
gulls sp - 20 (a single flock that cicled up and then moved west)
Canada Goose - 2 (no skeins today)
Wild Turkey - 6 (all jakes, seen foraging on one of the ski trails next to
the road)
Blue Jay - 10
Comm Raven - 16
BC Chickadee - 2
DE Junco - 3
Yellow-rumped Warb - 1
GC Kinglet - 1

Monday should be yet another sunny day, but with slightly higher temps
possibly reaching into the 70s, and stronger (8-12 mph) winds from the
West. Bill Rasku will lead the watch at the summit. We're hoping that the
TVs and BEs rise to the challenge.
Report submitted by ERIC MUELLER (<ericmueller1912...>)
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