Date: 10/19/24 4:39 pm
From: Barbara Volkle <barb620...>
Subject: [MASSBIRD] Wachusett Mountain (19 Oct 2024) - 59 Migrating Raptors, incl 2 Golden Eagles
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2024 21:56:08 +0000
From: <reports...>
Subject: Wachusett Mountain (19 Oct 2024) - 59 Migrating Raptors, incl 2
Golden Eagles

Wachusett Mountain
Princeton, Massachusetts, USA
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 19, 2024

Species Day's Count Month Total Season Total
------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
Black Vulture 0 0 4
Turkey Vulture 34 652 701
Osprey 0 32 219
Bald Eagle 2 94 242
Northern Harrier 2 15 34
Sharp-shinned Hawk 6 174 368
Cooper's Hawk 0 64 152
American Goshawk 0 1 1
Red-shouldered Hawk 4 32 49
Broad-winged Hawk 0 13 1497
Red-tailed Hawk 2 29 70
Rough-legged Hawk 0 0 0
Golden Eagle 2 3 3
American Kestrel 0 21 117
Merlin 2 22 54
Peregrine Falcon 0 9 22
Unknown Accipiter 0 30 50
Unknown Buteo 2 17 40
Unknown Falcon 0 3 16
Unknown Eagle 0 1 2
Unknown Raptor 3 47 129

Total: 59 1259 3770

Observation start time: 08:15:00 Observation end time: 15:00:00 Total
observation time: 6.75 hours

Official Counter: Eric Mueller

Observers: Lisa Burwell, Paul Roberts, Paul Vanderhoof

A small but effective group of observers today. My thanks to Paul R, Paul
V and Lisa for joining me on the platform and for doing a bang-up job. It
helped immensely to have the two Pauls available to make the IDs of the two
Golden Eagles. Lisa stayed another hour by herself and spotted the kettle
of 9 TVs.

Many hundreds (thousands?) of sightseers on the summit today to take in the
Fall colors, many traveling up on the ski lift from AppleFest down at the
ski area.

A cloudless sky all day, with very low humidity, and very little wind
except from 11 am to 1 pm EST when we got breezes as high as 6-7 mph. The
wind came from various westerly directions all day. Temps ranged from 52 to
66 F. Visibility was very good to excellent, with just a touch of haze in
the air that made Mt Washington hard to see at times. All other landmarks
were easily visible.

Raptor Observations:
A much quieter day than yesterday due to the lack of wind plus warmer air
temperatures which made the air mass quite stable and tamped down much of
the thermal activity in the afternoon. We saw no birds in the first two
hours. The two hours of increased wind from 11 am to 1 pm coincided with
the most flight activity. Altogether, we counted 59 migrating birds today.
We had 3 kettles of TVs - 16, 5 and a last-minute group of 9 that Lisa
spotted just before 3 pm EST.

The big thrills were the separate sightings of two Golden Eagles, one a
juvenile and the other an adult (which is an extra-rare occurence here.)
Paul Roberts made the first solid calls on both birds, and Paul Vanderhoof
and I chimed in with what we saw on each to help lock down the IDs.
Neither bird was close enough for useful photos.
Non-migrating raptors:
TV - 6
Bald Eagle - 3 (2 Ad, 1 Imm)
Red-tailed Hawk - 3 (2 Ad, 1 not aged) - one of the adult birds was the
same one that I saw yesterday that constantly carried its tail at a 45
degree angle from lower left to upper right when viewed from the rear. It
also didn't carry its wings at the same angles. I'm guessing that it
survived a serious accident or attack.

Non-raptor Observations:
Non-raptors: Blue Jay - 6
Comm Raven - 28 (all in one group)
BC Chickadee - 2
passerines - approx 200 (most were in a distant tight ball that swirled
around, likely Starlings. We didn't see any nearby raptors that would have
prompted them to go airborne in such a tight ball.)

We also had two C-130 military cargo planes zoom past us to the east below
summit height as they practiced low level flying. I wouldn't have wanted
to have been a rock climber on the Crow Hills rock walls down below at that

Sunday's weather will hopefully be more amenable to the migrating birds.
The forecast calls for sunny skies changing to partly sunny in the
afternoon (yay clouds!), temps reaching the upper 60s, low humidity and W
to WNW winds from 5 to 10 mph all day. At least the winds will give the
birds something to work with.
Report submitted by ERIC MUELLER (<ericmueller1912...>)
Wachusett Mountain information may be found at:

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