Date: 10/18/24 1:13 pm
From: eBird alert via <alert.ebird...>
Subject: [sbcobirding] [eBird Alert] Santa Barbara County Rare Bird Alert
*** Species Summary:

- Wedge-tailed Shearwater (1 report)
- Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (1 report)
- Vermilion Flycatcher (1 report)
- Tropical Kingbird (1 report)
- Western Kingbird (1 report)
- Clay-colored Sparrow (1 report)
- Black-and-white Warbler (2 reports)
- Palm Warbler (1 report)
- Hepatic Tanager (1 report)

Thank you for subscribing to the <daily> Santa Barbara County Rare Bird Alert. The report below shows observations of rare birds in Santa Barbara County. View or unsubscribe to this alert at
NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated.

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Wedge-tailed Shearwater (Ardenna pacifica) (1)
- Reported Oct 17, 2024 16:14 by Joel Barrett
- Santa Barbara Channel--east channel (Santa Barbara County only), Santa Barbara, California
- Map:<q...>,-119.5149421&<ll...>,-119.5149421
- Checklist:
- Media: 1 Photo
- Comments: "First noticed its buoyant flight with almost no flapping. Flying into and across the wind. Wind was approximately 15 knots from the Northwest. The flight and the cleaner white underparts caught my attention. Pink-footed Shearwater is the default species I would expect in a bird of that size and color. I initially thought it might be a Buller's Shearwater seen poorly, but as we managed to get closer looks it did not have the crisp white underparts of a Buller's and was darker gray/brown on the back with out the signature "M" marking.

This bird had a large wingspan for a shearwater but the wings were mostly held with the tips bent downward, and an additional bend at the wrist, as opposed to being held mostly stiff and straight like a Pink-footed Shearwater. The underparts were very white on the belly and underwing, but as closer views were possible the under tail coverts were not pure white like you might see on a Buller's and the contrast along the neck and top of the head was more diffuse and uniform than the sharp contrast seen on a Buller's. The underwing did also show some black feathering but was mostly bright white. Over all the color and pattern were similar to a Pink-footed Shearwater but this bird was brighter underneath and seemed lighter bodied in both senses of the word. The upper parts were dark, the ends of the wings darkest, transitioning to a dark brown/gray wing and back. There was some textured look to the back feathering but it is hard to describe. The tail was seen at times to be longer and held in a point, similar to a Buller's but dissimilar to Pink-footed Shearwater. At one point I had a good look at the head and bill through my binoculars and saw the bill color was dull gray and looked slimmer than the more robust Pink-footed bill. I even saw the leg and foot color but it was very brief. It looked pinkish to flesh colored, but not dark, or black.

Despite not having my camera, I was able to get video on my phone with the help of a crew member. A passenger also took a picture after I announce the bird in front of us. Hopefully he will email me the photo in a few weeks when he is done with his vacation. I will add that photo if I receive it. For now I have a photo from the back of his camera. We saw this bird for over 10 mins, about half that time it was just a few boat lengths ahead of us pacing the boat as we traveled perpendicular to the wind and waves. I have a video but can't upload it to eBird, it will only allow photos and audio.

Initial sighting near 34 14.676 N x 119 15.880 W and left the bird near 34 06.645 x 119 30.161 W approximately near the underwater drop off from the Island to the Shipping Lanes."

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) (1)
- Reported Oct 17, 2024 12:26 by Spencer Seale
- 4515 La Tierra Ln, Carpinteria US-CA (34.4082,-119.5248), Santa Barbara, California
- Map:<q...>,-119.524795&<ll...>,-119.524795
- Checklist:
- Media: 1 Photo
- Comments: "Continuing juvenile bird in ginko tree out front of 4515 La Tierra Lane, as found by Eric Culbertson on 10/14. It would occasionally let out a nasally contact call. Digiscope photo."

Vermilion Flycatcher (Pyrocephalus rubinus) (1)
- Reported Oct 15, 2024 17:14 by Michael I Christie
- Riverbend Park, Santa Barbara, California
- Map:<q...>,-120.4469676&<ll...>,-120.4469676
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Likely continuing bird, on fences around SW corner of fields."

Tropical Kingbird (Tyrannus melancholicus) (1)
- Reported Oct 18, 2024 07:09 by Gavin Awerbuch
- UCSB North Campus Open Space (formerly Ocean Meadows Golf Course), Santa Barbara, California
- Map:<q...>,-119.8792197&<ll...>,-119.8792197
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Forked tail, large bill, bright yellow and diagnostic call"

Western Kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis) (1)
- Reported Oct 17, 2024 15:51 by Alex Castelein
- Coal Oil Point Reserve--Dune Pond, Santa Barbara, California
- Map:<q...>,-119.881839&<ll...>,-119.881839
- Checklist:
- Media: 3 Photos
- Comments: "Somewhat late. Flew over with a Cassin’s, which was when I first noticed that the outer rectrices had white outer edges. It landed in the cypresses near the pond, where I got photos showing the white edges and lighter gray head"

Clay-colored Sparrow (Spizella pallida) (2)
- Reported Oct 18, 2024 08:01 by Jeremy Carberry
- Santa Cruz Island--Scorpion Anchorage and Beach Area, Santa Barbara, California
- Map:<q...>,-119.5555481&<ll...>,-119.5555481
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing. Probably more than 2… Foraging along the service road with white-crowned and chipping sparrows."

Black-and-white Warbler (Mniotilta varia) (1)
- Reported Oct 18, 2024 11:09 by Matt Brady
- 7402 - 7418 Hollister Ave (Tech Park), Santa Barbara, California
- Map:<q...>,-119.8908561&<ll...>,-119.8908561
- Checklist:
- Media: 4 Photos
- Comments: "Continuing bird, located in the far western Tipu trees. Branch-creeping black-and-white striped warbler with longish slightly decurved bill; photos."

Black-and-white Warbler (Mniotilta varia) (1)
- Reported Oct 17, 2024 10:25 by Mario Borunda
- 7402 - 7418 Hollister Ave (Tech Park), Santa Barbara, California
- Map:<q...>,-119.8908561&<ll...>,-119.8908561
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Head: Black and white streaks, white median head stripe bordered by black. Upper parts black and white striped. Underparts black and white stripes on flanks. Tail black and white stripes on upper side. In westernmost parking area."

Palm Warbler (Setophaga palmarum) (1)
- Reported Oct 18, 2024 09:19 by Peter Schneekloth
- Gaviota State Park, Santa Barbara, California
- Map:<q...>,-120.228442&<ll...>,-120.228442
- Checklist:
- Media: 2 Photos
- Comments: "Seen walking, bobbing, yellow undertail, obvious supercilium, photos, possible continuing bird."

Hepatic Tanager (Piranga flava) (1)
- Reported Oct 18, 2024 10:19 by Matt Brady
- Evergreen Open Space, Santa Barbara, California
- Map:<q...>,-119.8909131&<ll...>,-119.8909131
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing at its usual spot: (34.4369444, -119.8871389). Deep red tanager, with dusky auriculars and dark bill; silent."


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