Date: 10/18/24 4:44 am
From: Tom Fiore <tomfi2...>
Subject: [nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC - thru Oct. 17th: Virginia Rail, many more migrants of this week
New York County -in N.Y. City- including Manhattan, Randalls, Governors, and Roosevelt Islands and the adjacent waters and skies above -
thru Thursday, October 17 -

Among the birds found at Bryant Park in midtown Manhattan on Thursday, Oct. 17th were a Virginia Rail, American Woodcock, Lincolns Sparrow, and multiple other migrant species, all with many observers. At Roosevelt Island, a hen Wild Turkey was still around this week, now nearly a resident individual there.

7 Bonapartes Gulls flew by Randalls Island on Oct. 13, and at least 2 Forsters Terns were seen from Governors Island on that same day. At Central Park, a Clay-colored Sparrow was seen by multiple observers, also on Oct. 13th, these sightings all confirmed by review in eBird.

Red Fox Sparrows were seen in Manhattan - including in Central Park - by no later than October 12th, with slightly more appearing by now, and many many observations of the species for the past couple of days, particularly at Central Park.

Sparrows generally were still being found in variety this week, and at Central Park, in addition to the ongoing Red Fox were White-crowned, Savannah, Field, Chipping, Swamp, Song, and White-throated Sparrows as well as Slate-colored Juncos, and Eastern Towhees.

Eastern Meadowlarks were appearing this past week, some at Governors Island, with multiple observers there on Oct. 14, not however the first occurrence in the county of this fall. Other species of interids were not found in huge numbers although some of the flights of blackbirds were too high for typical daytime watching other than with scopes. A few Baltimore Orioles were ongoing, the latter a species that sometimes ill attempt overwintering in the county, occasionally with success right on to early spring.

A recent report for Central Park of Ruby-throated Hummingbird was for Oct. 15th. Of thrush species still present at Central Park to Thursday, Oct. 17th at Central Park, and elsewhere in the county there were still Gray-cheeked, Swainsons, Wood, and as expected many Hermit Thrushes. Rose-breasted Grosbeak and Indigo Bunting were still present to Oct. 17th, while Scarlet Tanager was seen at least to the 16th.

Some of the migratory American warblers seen in the county - many or even all of these also seen at Central Park, are listed below.

Northern Waterthrush - thru Thursday, Oct. 17th at Central Park, a long-lingering individual there with many hundreds of observers thru all the first half of October, and scores of photographers posting photos or videos.

Ovenbird - multiple around the county, including at Central Park thru 10-17.

Black-and-white Warbler - multiple still in the county but far fewer than 1 week prior, this species also continued at Central Park.

Tennessee Warbler - still present to Oct. 17th, including in Central Park.

Orange-crowned Warbler - reports of these were still flowing in this week, and more might be anticipated especially should any set up in some favored path and linger - this countys most likely wintering warbler, above any other of the warbler species, although the county regularly also has oddball Ovenbirds and Common Yellowthroats which at least attempt to, and often do winter.

Nashville Warbler - present to Oct. 17th, including in Central Park.

Common Yellowthroat - ongoing thru Oct. 17th at multiple locations.

Hooded Warbler - reported earlier this week, getting rather late for the species.

American Redstart - still being seen at Central Park thru Thursday, Oct. 17th.

Cape May Warbler - still being found in the multiple in the county, including in Central Park thru Oct. 17th.

Northern Parula - still going thru Oct. 17, including at Central Park.

Magnolia Warbler - present this week - this species has record-late dates in December in Central Park in past years, but after about now is averaging slightly late for all of the county.

Bay-breasted Warbler - continuing at Central Park to at least Oct. 16th.

Blackburnian Warbler - the individuals present in the county earlier this week were running quite late.

Yellow Warbler - continuing to Oct. 17th, which is a bit late for the county and for Central Park, however a December bird-count has had this species in Central Park. This warbler species in first-fall plumage May sometimes be mistaken for other warblers or even, on occasion, for birds that vaguely resemble American warblers.

Chestnut-sided Warbler - reports and photos for earlier this week, running late.

Blackpoll Warbler - multiple sightings this week and still present at Central Park thru Oct. 17th.

Black-throated Blue Warbler - present this week at multiple locations including in Central Park.

Palm Warbler - ongoing in the multiple including in Central Park, thru Oct. 17th

Pine Warbler- ongoing at some locations with a few still in Central Park thru the week.

Myrtle -Yellow-rumped- Warbler - some good flights of passage this week, with some ongoing thru Oct. 17th, including at Central Park.

Prairie Warbler - still present in the county, and at Central Park this week.

Black-throated Green Warbler - still a few present in multiple locations this week, including at Central Park.

A recent report to this listserve of a Worm-eating Warbler at Central Park on an extreme late date was not yet confirmed thru the eBird submission for that same sighting, after 5 days in eBird unconfirmed reports, by the reported finder of that individual bird that was mentioned on this listserve.

There were far more migrants and other birds seen throughout the county this week than those noted above, and certainly some of the more uncommon or notable sightings may not have been included.

Waterfowl had not seen that much change in this week in the county, even if marked by some passage. In Central Park, a Hooded Merganser, some Green-winged Teals, N. Shovelers, Wood Ducks, and assorted other duckage as well as American Coot were all ongoing, thru Oct. 17th.

Thanks to the many reliable, keen, quiet and courteous observers and photographers who have offered reports, many in the eBird archives and to the Macaulay Library for media.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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