Date: 10/17/24 6:57 pm
From: Barbara Volkle <barb620...>
Subject: [MASSBIRD] Wachusett Mountain (17 Oct 2024) 195 Migrating Raptors
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 01:33:38 +0000
From: <reports...>
Subject: Wachusett Mountain (17 Oct 2024) 195 Migrating Raptors

Wachusett Mountain
Princeton, Massachusetts, USA
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 17, 2024

Species Day's Count Month Total Season Total
------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
Black Vulture 0 0 4
Turkey Vulture 137 422 471
Osprey 0 32 219
Bald Eagle 9 80 228
Northern Harrier 3 10 29
Sharp-shinned Hawk 14 141 335
Cooper's Hawk 6 50 138
American Goshawk 1 1 1
Red-shouldered Hawk 3 19 36
Broad-winged Hawk 0 13 1497
Red-tailed Hawk 5 21 62
Rough-legged Hawk 0 0 0
Golden Eagle 0 1 1
American Kestrel 2 20 116
Merlin 4 17 49
Peregrine Falcon 0 6 19
Unknown Accipiter 1 17 37
Unknown Buteo 1 14 37
Unknown Falcon 0 3 16
Unknown Eagle 0 1 2
Unknown Raptor 9 37 119

Total: 195 905 3416

Observation start time: 08:30:00 Observation end time: 15:00:00 Total
observation time: 6.5 hours

Official Counter: Bill Rasku, Mark Morris

Observers: Bill Rasku, Christine Restell, Joanne Hart, John Edmondson

A solid crew today. Evan Lipton was a big help. Thanks to you all!

A generally sunny day with moderate humidity, and light breezes from the NE
that eventually swung around to the SE and then died off entirely at the
end of the session. Very good visibility to start with - the snowy cap of
Mt Washington could be seen in the distance. Cloud cover increased in the
last few hours and the visibilty decreased with the reduced light. Temps
varied from 41 to 53F.

Raptor Observations:
Turkey Vultures finally started coming through in larger numbers today,
including several double-digit kettles riding up on the thermals. The bird
of the day was an immature American Goshawk that flew by low, sporting a
full crop! We're waiting to see if anyone got a clear photo of it. Bill
Rasku spent most of the day down at the North Road overlook and his
observations are cross-checked against the summit team's. Bill spent an
additional hour there after the summit team left.

Non-migrating raptors:
TV - 4
Bald Eagle - 6 (3 Ad, 2 Imm, 1 Juv)
Red-tail - 3

Non-raptor Observations:
4 Comm Raven, 3 Blue Jay, 20 Amer Crow (17 migrating in one group), 2
Yellow-rump Warb, Hairy WP, WB Nuthatch, 2 DE Junco, 5 Comm Loon, 10 Canada
Goose, T Titmouse, Ruby-cr Kinglet.

Friday is expected to be a very sunny day, with low humidity, temps in the
high 40s to almost 60 F, and solid 5-10 mph winds from the NNE. This is a
recipe for a fine flight. We'll just have to deal with a cloudless sky.
Report submitted by ERIC MUELLER (<ericmueller1912...>)
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