Observation start time: 07:00:00 Observation end time: 15:00:00 Total observation time: 8 hours
Official Counter: Kiah Jasper
Observers: Hugh Kent, Noel Herdman, Paul Gosselin
Visitors: It was quiet for observers today and in the end I did about half the time on my own, though it was fairly slow for birds so the others didn't miss much! Thanks to Hugh, Noel and Paul for helping me with the count at various times today. We were visited by Liz and Dave from Ottawa, as well as Fred from Essex.
Weather: Today was a gusty day for wind on the tower, a Southwesterly breeze coming in off the lake towards us for the majority of the day (15-30kph, lessening in the afternoon). The sky remained clear for the morning, a few small wispy clouds coming in later during the afternoon. It was warm for this time of year, starting off at 11 C but rising to 23 later in the day. The barometer fell from 30.02 to 29.87.
Raptor Observations: Another large day for Turkey Vultures today, with 2,728 recorded. There was a large push of over 1,000 in one hour mid morning, but it wasn't nearly as hectic as yesterday. In the afternoon the vultures favoured the easy-to-observe "shore flighline" right overhead. The main highlight of the day came just after 11am, when an immature Golden Eagle flew west over the marsh. Otherwise it was fairly quiet on the raptor front, especially for buteos with only 3 recorded (all Red-tailed).
Non-raptor Observations: The American White Pelicans continue in the marsh for another day, with at least 270 present. Interestingly Mute Swan numbers have drastically plummeted since the pelicans arrived (38 today vs an average of 100). Blue Jays were out in lower numbers this morning, but we still recorded 3,450. Other notable birds included 8 warbler species highlighted by a late Cape May Warbler, Rusty Blackbirds, Black-crowned Night Heron and 9 Pectoral Sandpipers. 78 species were recorded from the tower today, for the full list click here - https://ebird.org/checklist/S198373617
Predictions: Tomorrow the wind is meant to be from the Northeast in the morning, likely shifting to the East around noon. The temperature should be cooler and the sky mainly clear (slight chance of rain but it doesn't look bad at all). If the wind has a Northerly component into the afternoon we could see a good flight of birds past the tower. ======================================================================== Report submitted by Kiah Jasper (<kiahbirder...>) Holiday Beach Hawk Watch information may be found at: http://hbmo.ca/