Date: 10/9/24 4:22 pm
From: Florence Sanchez via <sanchezucsb11...>
Subject: [sbcobirding] Lompoc Birding and Gaviota State Park, Oct. 9
I decided to try Ocean Park one more time this morning.  Past attempts to bird the estuary were foiled by fog, but this morning there was a definite ceiling and I was able to scope it well.  I did not find for sure a Ruddy Turnstone, but a good candidate was resting with its head tucked on the mudflat.  Something spooked it and a bunch of Sanderlings, and I could not get a clear view of the back pattern when it flew away.
Otherwise, shorebirds of note included 8 Dunlin, a Long-billed Dowitcher, a flyover of a good-sized flock of Marbled Godwits, and the usual hoard of Black-bellied Plovers.  The large Gull flock at the estuary mouth was 90% California Gulls.  A few Royal terns were mixed in.  Lots of Ducks present, especially shovelers and a good-sized flock of Green-winged Teal.
The park continues to be very shy of interesting landbirds, with the exception of the continuing Sage Thrasher.
After finishing at Ocean Park, I checked the ag fields along Renwick Road, but not a lot was happening there except for a large flock of Blackbirds in the partially-harvested cauliflower that included a few Tri-colored Blackbirds.
I ended up at Gaviota SP, a quiet place now that it's closed to campers.  I was there at a bad time of day for bird activity, but still turned up a Hermit Warbler in the lone tamarisk tree by the pier.
Florence Sanchez

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