Date: 10/4/24 9:26 am
From: <ty.smedes...>
Subject: [ia-bird] Bluebird Nestbox Competition - this morning
This morning, while clearing some brush where our back yard meets the
ravine, I watched an interesting competition. Four Bluebirds were vigorously
competing for a nestbox, although today is October 4th. A male would land on
the roof, hang from the nest-hole, or enter the box, and another male
(perched nearby) would chase him off. This back-and-forth competition went
on for 15 minutes or so. It just goes to show that although we tend to
think interest in a potential mate, nest selection, and the instinct for
procreation is only active during spring and summer, activities like this
show us the instinct for reproduction is always present, although more
subdued during fall and winter..

Amazing nature!

Ty Smedes

"I believe in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it"

Thomas Jefferson

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