Date: 9/29/24 4:18 pm
From: Diann Stone via <dstoneak2id...>
Subject: Re: [IBLE] Fall Migration
Wow, you're lucky to have those owls visit your yard! I consider it a
treat when I hear Western Screech, especially what I think are young ones.
There are enough trees, deciduous and evergreen, to provide shelter and
nesting places in my Boise Depot Bench location. Though I rarely hear or
see them, there are occasionally signs that Great Horned Owls have stopped
by for a meal or to discard a pellet.

Your bird reports are thoroughly enjoyable to read. Please continue

Diann Stone
Boise Depot Bench

On Fri, Sep 27, 2024, 7:51 AM lcarrigan_55 via <carriganbw=
<> wrote:

> There's been a definite increase in Fall migration activity this week.
> Starting with owls. This week, have awakened to ~2 AM calls from: N Pygmy,
> Saw-whet, W Screech & Great-horned Owls. The first two are "altitudinal
> migrants", tending to appear in the Fall as they descend from mountain to
> river valley levels, & one each on different nights. By personal choice, I
> don't play tapes or shine lights & only identify by their calls. When I get
> the occasional chance visual sighting, that's a bonus.
> Yesterday evening, had a good rush of Yellow-rumped Warblers come through,
> around 40+, working at treetop height of cottonwoods & Russian olives
> trees. Others: House Wren, Red-naped Sapsucker & Red-breasted Nuthatch.
> Also, had a couple of 75+ Mallard group fly-overs. Along, with what's
> shaping up to be a banner color year & a respectable brown trout Fall-run,
> I'm definitely enjoying the season!
> Brian Carrigan
> Blackfoot

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