Date: 9/24/24 10:28 am
From: eBird alert via <alert.ebird...>
Subject: [sbcobirding] [eBird Alert] Santa Barbara County Rare Bird Alert
*** Species Summary:

- Lesser Nighthawk (1 report)
- American Golden-Plover (3 reports)
- Common Tern (3 reports)
- American Bittern (1 report)
- Sage Thrasher (2 reports)
- Orchard Oriole (1 report)
- Black-and-white Warbler (1 report)
- American Redstart (1 report)
- Summer Tanager (1 report)

Thank you for subscribing to the <daily> Santa Barbara County Rare Bird Alert. The report below shows observations of rare birds in Santa Barbara County. View or unsubscribe to this alert at
NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated.

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Lesser Nighthawk (Chordeiles acutipennis) (5) CONFIRMED
- Reported Sep 23, 2024 18:40 by Ryan Seppala
- Coal Oil Point Reserve--Dune Pond, Santa Barbara, California
- Map:<q...>,-119.881839&<ll...>,-119.881839
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Five confirmed in view simultaneously, noted the instant I arrived and still active on my departure. All making forays over the pond, occasionally giving chase to each other."

American Golden-Plover (Pluvialis dominica) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported Sep 23, 2024 17:29 by Ryan Seppala
- Coal Oil Point, Devereux Beach, Sands Beach, and bluff trails, Santa Barbara, California
- Map:<q...>,-119.8783064&<ll...>,-119.8783064
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing. First observed barely west of the point, from which it gradually continued west for some hundreds of yards until I left it. Smaller and darker than BBPL, with a shorter bill. Golden flecking on wings/mantle, high contrast between supercillium and crown/auriculars, long primary projection."

American Golden-Plover (Pluvialis dominica) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported Sep 23, 2024 16:49 by Benjamin Byerly
- Coal Oil Point, Devereux Beach, Sands Beach, and bluff trails, Santa Barbara, California
- Map:<q...>,-119.8783064&<ll...>,-119.8783064
- Checklist:
- Media: 1 Photo
- Comments: "Continuing. Smaller than BBPL slender bill. Grey underwing in flight in contrast to black underwing on BBPL"

American Golden-Plover (Pluvialis dominica) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported Sep 23, 2024 08:30 by Armando Aispuro
- Coal Oil Point, Devereux Beach, Sands Beach, and bluff trails, Santa Barbara, California
- Map:<q...>,-119.8783064&<ll...>,-119.8783064
- Checklist:
- Media: 6 Photos
- Comments: "Likely continuing individual from the weekend. Smaller than nearby black-bellied plovers, golden flecking to feather edges on back and crown. Little or no yellow on face. Gray spotting on breast, gray belly. Primary projection seems long, but hard to judge."

Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported Sep 23, 2024 13:35 by Toby Fowler
- Goleta Beach County Park (including east end of Goleta Slough), Santa Barbara, California
- Map:<q...>,-119.829812&<ll...>,-119.829812
- Checklist:
- Media: 6 Photos
- Comments: "Continuining from Rebecca Coulter's class this morning. A bit oiled on the breast & neck :( Small tern, distinct black carpal line on dark wings, mostly black bill showing some orange, orange-y legs.

Having not seen it, I accidentally flushed it and it flew off over the ocean headed southwest-ish. Before it flew off, I got views of a small tern with a small dark bill. Horrified to have biffed this for everyone I walked back to the parking lot and stood for awhile counting the other birds. Waiting paid off and about 20 minutes later it flew back in. Returning views immediately helped to pick it out, it was so much smaller than the royal terns around. It landed below the lip in the beach, and so carefully this time I made my way too it and got views of the carpal bar & mixed orangey-red / black bill. It hunkered down with the gulls and terns and seemingly remained on the beach from then on out. Still present when I left at 3, maybe about 10 feet north of the gull-tern flock.

Photos are a bit funky, not sure if it was lighting or dust."

Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported Sep 23, 2024 08:19 by Rebecca Coulter
- Goleta Beach County Park (including east end of Goleta Slough), Santa Barbara, California
- Map:<q...>,-119.829812&<ll...>,-119.829812
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Hanging out alone in a mixed group of gulls and terns on the beach west of the entrance road. No other small terns present. Mostly complete black cap, black bill, obvious carpal bar."

Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported Sep 23, 2024 08:18 by Karen Rusch
- Goleta Beach County Park (including east end of Goleta Slough), Santa Barbara, California
- Map:<q...>,-119.829812&<ll...>,-119.829812
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Black carpal bar obvious. Small tern-size of Forster’s. Full black head. In with a mixed flock of Royal Terns and assorted gulls."

American Bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported Sep 23, 2024 09:45 by Lynn Scarlett
- Lake Los Carneros Park, Santa Barbara, California
- Map:<q...>,-119.84975&<ll...>,-119.84975
- Checklist:
- Media: 5 Photos
- Comments: "standing upright in reeds; striped neck--see photos"

Sage Thrasher (Oreoscoptes montanus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported Sep 22, 2024 09:44 by Steven Gaulin
- Elings Park, Santa Barbara, California
- Map:<q...>,-119.7349691&<ll...>,-119.7349691
- Checklist:
- Media: 1 Photo
- Comments: "Small thrasher, gray above with darker streaking, below creamy with peachy-buff flanks all boldly streaked dark brown. Bill and tail relatively short."

Sage Thrasher (Oreoscoptes montanus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported Sep 21, 2024 08:18 by Linda Blue
- Elings Park, Santa Barbara, California
- Map:<q...>,-119.7349691&<ll...>,-119.7349691
- Checklist:
- Media: 1 Photo
- Comments: "Continuing. Perched on the tallest shrub 20 yards west of the fence in the new planting area here: (34.4105026, -119.7335234)"

Orchard Oriole (Icterus spurius) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported Sep 23, 2024 08:55 by John Deacon
- Deacon Home (Restricted Access), Santa Barbara, California
- Map:<q...>,-120.432212&<ll...>,-120.432212
- Checklist:
- Media: 1 Photo
- Comments: "Feeding at hummingbird feeder. Adult Orchard Oriole. Chestnut coloration on breast and belly. Black head and back. Chestnut shoulder patch. Appear somewhat large for an Orchard Oriole but there wasn't anything for reference other than the feeder."

Black-and-white Warbler (Mniotilta varia) (1)
- Reported Sep 23, 2024 11:30 by Mario Borunda
- Carpinteria Creek, Santa Barbara, California
- Map:<q...>,-119.5140259&<ll...>,-119.5140259
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Entirely black and white streaking throughout Head had white median stripe bordered by black, with white stripe above eye."

American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported Sep 21, 2024 13:31 by Fangting Shi
- Santa Cruz Island--Scorpion Canyon Campgrounds, Santa Barbara, California
- Map:<q...>,-119.5645389&<ll...>,-119.5645389
- Checklist:
- Media: 2 Photos
- Comments: "male, pic"

Summer Tanager (Piranga rubra) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported Sep 21, 2024 09:37 by Nancy Baron
- Carpinteria Creek, Santa Barbara, California
- Map:<q...>,-119.5140259&<ll...>,-119.5140259
- Checklist:
- Media: 4 Photos
- Comments: "In the willows south of 6th Street on the east side of the creek."


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