Date: 9/22/24 11:55 am
From: Robert Lindsay via <thisisroblindsay...>
Subject: [sbcobirding] Ellings Park and Plover Reserve, 9/22
The Sage Thrasher and several Chipping Sparrow are still present in 'the garden' in Ellings park along with a good variety of other species.

Lake Los Carneros had some family event and run going on so the birds were sparse. Did manage to pick up a Cooper's Hawk hunting pigeons and a Green Heron in the reeds opposite the Dam.

The 2nd pulll-out at Devereaux had a huge concentration of egrets but I could find NO Cattle Egret among them.

The American Golden Plover continues at the Plover Reserve beyond COP and was very easy to spot at the mouth of the slough. This bird is easily distinguishable from the many BB Plovers with which it associates. A Greater Yellowlegs was among this group of birds. Least and Western Sandpipers along with Sanderling and numerous Semipalmated and Snowy Plovers were on the beach. A Loggerhead Shrike was in the field just west of Isla Vista as I returned to my car.

That's all,
Rob Lindsay

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