Welcome to the new, nation-wide Birding Lists Digest.

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Northern California
Received List From Subject
2/13/25 10:43 am SFBirds Dominik Mosur via groups.io <dominikmosur...> [SFBirds] recent misc. - cont. Rufous Hummingbirds, Swinhoe's White-eye update et al
Southern California
Received List From Subject
2/13/25 10:26 am slocobirding Freddy Howell via groups.io <jandfhowellz...> [slocobirding] ❗️MCAS Field Trip-Habitat: Fog Lichens of White Point, February 23, 2025
2/13/25 10:15 am inlandcountybirds Thomas Benson via groups.io <tbenson...> [inlandcountybirds] Southeastern CA RBA: February 13, 2025
2/13/25 7:52 am SanDiegoRegionBirding Eve Martin via groups.io <membership...> [SanDiegoRegionBirding] You're Invited! SDFO Open Meeting next Tuesday, 6pm
2/13/25 5:03 am sbcobirding eBird alert via groups.io <alert.ebird...> [sbcobirding] [eBird Alert] Santa Barbara County Rare Bird Alert <daily>
2/13/25 4:40 am slocobirding eBird alert via groups.io <alert.ebird...> [slocobirding] [eBird Alert] San Luis Obispo County Rare Bird Alert <daily>
Received List From Subject
2/13/25 10:07 am tweeters Hubbell via Tweeters <tweeters...> Re: [Tweeters] Union Bay Watch } Celebrating the Arboretum!
2/13/25 9:53 am tweeters Ronda Stark via Tweeters <tweeters...> Re: [Tweeters] Union Bay Watch } Celebrating the Arboretum!
2/13/25 9:28 am tweeters Jamie Acker via Tweeters <tweeters...> [Tweeters] Okanagan Highlands / Waterville Plateau Trip Report
Received List From Subject
2/13/25 11:05 am ALBirds Larry Knorr via groups.io <ctyrd109...> [ALbirds] Red Bellied Woodpecker
Received List From Subject
2/13/25 7:20 am ARBIRD-L Taylor Long <00000455b6b08e87-dmarc-request...> Great Backyard Bird Count this weekend: Fri, Feb 14 - Mon, Feb 17
Received List From Subject
2/13/25 11:49 am Carolinabirds \<k.grinnell...>\ (via carolinabirds Mailing List) <carolinabirds...> Re: Conservation Access Pass Proposed by NCWRC
2/13/25 10:47 am Carolinabirds Nate Dias (via carolinabirds Mailing List) <carolinabirds...> Re: Conservation Access Pass Proposed by NCWRC
2/13/25 10:11 am Carolinabirds \J. Merrill Lynch\ (via carolinabirds Mailing List) <carolinabirds...> Re: Conservation Access Pass Proposed by NCWRC
2/13/25 8:16 am Carolinabirds Ann Robertson (via carolinabirds Mailing List) <carolinabirds...> Conservation Access Pass Proposed by NCWRC
Received List From Subject
2/13/25 11:28 am GABO-L Mark McShane <mcshanebirder...> [GABO-L] Gwinnett County - New eBird hotspot
Received List From Subject
2/13/25 6:52 am LABIRD Cathy DiSalvo via groups.io <cedisalvo1...> Re: [labird] Update on Harahan's Purple Martin "nuisance" case
Received List From Subject
2/13/25 9:35 am OHIO-BIRDS WANG PEGGY <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...> [Ohio-birds] No Red-throated Loon
Received List From Subject
2/13/25 10:08 am CTBirds Denise LaPerriere via CTBirds <ctbirds...> [CT Birds] Eastern Towhee
2/13/25 8:41 am CTBirds Rick Gedney via CTBirds <ctbirds...> [CT Birds] Re: CTBirds Digest, Vol 6458, Issue 1 - Rusty Blackbird
2/13/25 8:30 am CTBirds Jim Dugan via CTBirds <ctbirds...> [CT Birds] Please help to limit Neonic Pesticides
2/13/25 5:27 am CTBirds ROBERT MIRER via CTBirds <ctbirds...> [CT Birds] Imm. White-crowned Sp
2/13/25 4:56 am CTBirds C. S. Wood via CTBirds <ctbirds...> [CT Birds] Re: Madison Rusty Blackbird
Received List From Subject
2/13/25 6:30 am mdbirding Evelyn Ralston <evelynsralston...> Re: [MDBirding] Winter crow roost at New Carrollton!
Received List From Subject
2/13/25 10:16 am arlingtonbirds Toshia McCabe <toshia.fcolors...> [Arlington Birds] Handbook of the Birds of the World for sale
New Hampshire
Received List From Subject
2/13/25 9:39 am NHBirds David Govatski <david.govatski...> [NHBirds] Evening Grosbeaks and Goldfinches in Jefferson
2/13/25 4:36 am NHBirds Alfred Maley <alfredmaley...> [NHBirds] Bird Notes from Old Iberia - Owl Box Recycled
New York
Received List From Subject
2/13/25 11:42 am Cayugabirds-L Peter Saracino <petersaracino...> [cayugabirds-l] Valentine's Cards that are for the birds!
2/13/25 11:39 am HMBirds Ronald Harrower via groups.io <ronharrower14...> [hmbirds] Ross' Goose on Southard Rd, 1.5 miles uphill from Fish creek Marina.
Received List From Subject
2/13/25 10:11 am PABIRDS Robin and Daniel Zmoda <robinanddanielz...> Northampton County WRS #483
2/13/25 8:49 am SCBIRDCL Thomas, Brady Scott <bst5117...> February 26th 7 pm: Carl Engstrom presents “Understanding Landscape and Habitat Associations for an Imperiled Songbird"
2/13/25 5:39 am PABIRDS Brian J. Miller <brianjosephmiller...> Central Crawford WRS
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