Date: 11/21/24 12:35 pm
From: 'Machelle Johnson' via UCBirders <ucbirders...>
Subject: [UCBirders] Art and Photos for newsletter
In the NOV newsletter I announced that there will be a new section on the monthly newsletter to showcase your awesome art and photo talents:
ANNOUNCEMENTI've noticed that we have some very talented artists and photographers in our group.  I'm creating a new section in the newsletter to showcase your talent!  If you would like to submit your bird art, including photos, paintings, sketches, needle art, etc, please email as an attachment or do a screen shot (snip) in the body of the email, and I will put it in the newsletter.  Please include your name, the bird(s), and the type of art it is.
 Machelle    ,__,   (0,0)   /)_)     ""

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