Date: 11/17/24 1:55 pm
From: Robert Thorn <robthorn6...>
Subject: [Ohio-birds] UrbanScioto, Columbus,11-17: Egrets, Merlin
Things were interesting but quiet along the river corridor that snakes by
downtown Columbus this morning. I stopped at Scioto Audubon MetroPark,
Berliner park, Confluence park, Watermark Lake, Marble Cliff bike path, and
Griggs Dam area. The river level was moderate, with some mud bars, but
not much waterfowl activity besides the occasional flock of mallards or
geese. Notables for the morning included:

Hooded Mergansers - a flock of 8 was in the bay at Scioto Audubon MetroPark
Great Egrets - 10 were also around the bay at Scioto Audubon, with some
clustered as if they had roosted there
Gulls - nothing but a few scattered groups of Ring-bills, mostly around the
Red-tailed Hawks - appeared to have moved in, as I had 1-2 at many of the
Merlin - 1 was perched on a telephone pole along Whittier St in Scioto
Audubon MetroPark
Woodpeckers - lots of Downies, with somewhat fewer Red-bellied and no
Kinglet - only 1 Golden-crown, at Marble Cliff
Hermit Thrush - 2 were calling from honeysuckle thickets at Berliner Park
CedarWaxwings - a small flock of 5 were feeding on hackberries at Berliner
Warblers - nothing but a few Yellow-rumps, and they were scarce
Sparrows - nothing but the expected Songs & White-throateds
Blackbirds - only 1 Redwing, at Marble Cliff
Finches - nothing but lots of House Finches and a few Goldfinches


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