RUFOUS/ALLEN'S Hummingbirds - (2) males and a female continue at the Stanyan trailhead up to Mount Sutro. They are daring anyone with a decent camera to get shots of their rectrices and be identified to species.
Killdeer - a good count of (89) was noted on Sunset Reservoir, also of interest for anyone who loves patch birding (~200) Sanderlings flying SW overland on the corner of 24th and Rivera across the street from Abraham Lincoln High School which is a "first record" for the hotspot
BALD EAGLE - an adult flew south past Corona Hill at 13:18; thank you Keith Maley for the alert (the bird was noted a few minutes prior passing by Battery Godfrey)
TRICOLORED BLACKBIRDS - the wintering flock was feeding behind the Taraval Library at 22nd Ave, a healthy tally (52) was noted , all but one appeared to be males.
and belatedly: HORNED LARKS - 11/6, the morning of the overnight east winds (3) spent about an hour in the grassland restoration on Twin Peaks before taking off north
Chipping Sparrow - 11/4 a slightly late migrant was feeding with juncos and crowned-sparrows along the edge of Lincoln Park Golf Course/East Fort Miley a couple hundred meters past the Grace's Warbler spot